Totally have no idea where the idea to make this came from, but I REALLY like it!
Finally, I get to put all that education to use like putting my math work on as tattoos and checking my muscular system diagrams for the correct positions on the muscles! It seemed like I really dived deep into my mind to make this and It just kept egging me on to include more blood, or rip those muscles apart, or even make her cry blood!
My favorite part of this is the ripped cheek and the sewed on bloody(I'm just gonna say fabric) pencil. It's so demonic looking, but also...dedicated.
She's very dedicated to her studies:D
Anyways, here is The Insane Nerd.
Notice the wicked smirk slightly forming on her lips. Yeah...She's crazy... |
Not too proud of the skin shading. I changed it from how it was in the reference image to something more straight-forward.
Somethings I'd like to point out:
-Please don't rip your skin off.
-Math is your friend.
-Not all nerds are deadly.
-Blood would probably cover your face if you rip the skin off your cheek.
-Sewing pencils onto your chest can kill you unless done by a trained professional.
-If you're crazy enough to write math problems all over your arms...please see someone about that;P
Thank you, my lovelies:)