

Hey guys,
I have some unfortunate news. Today my blogger account was hacked and unlawfully went to the wrong hands. With that, the hacker deleted all of my blogs; those including Stardoll's Appearance, HAUTE magazine, and the likes.

Though, I was able to retrieve the account and restore everything deleted with it. I'm very fortunate to have been able to reclaim all as my own.

That, however, doesn't mean I'm safe online. The hacker may be able to access my profile, and easily be able to delete my blogs once more. That said, I wanted to warn you of the circumstances.

If you get strange messages from my account claiming of one thing or another, immediately ignore the message and report the account.

As for everyone else who may or may not be in danger or loosing their account, be warned of what links you click on, where you may fill out personal information, and anything similar to that. I've never given my password out to anyone, yet in my name, my account was abused by the wrong person/people.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Stay safe.


  1. Good to know. I hope they won't hack you again.

  2. Go to gmail, go to the bottom and clik something about when you last logged. You'll get this awful hacker IP and will be able to log out all persons logged on other computer than yours. Hope it will help you.

    1. Anonymous28/7/13 21:44

      Thanks for telling me that! But the strange thing is when I did that, there was no other IP address other than my own... which makes me awfully suspicious.... they must be able to cover their tracks :/

    2. Maybe someone used fake IP same as yours or you logged few times after him? If you changed password he/she should anyway be logged out. Glad that helped You and hope this hacker won't get onto your account anymore. :)

    3. Anonymous28/7/13 22:49

      Yeah, that's an excellent point. Cross our fingers this hacker's been dealt with :)

  3. I had suspicious activity on my account also, but I changed my password and everything seems fine.

  4. If they could hack your Blogger they probably already hacked your email, unless they only found out your password.
