

surprise surprise i'm already working on the next issue of x. this issue is going to be very different, it's going to revolutionize the stardoll media scene and leave you dripping

moving on though

i made this graphic but it shall no longer feature in x, because it doesn't fit the new theme

it is of course the incredible natalia kills.
i really love the face , specifically the eyes, and i think the hair and fur aren't that bad compared to my previous attempts

what do you think?
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tick a box!

love you all xxx

ps: x is now accepting new models, and models who previously applied but didn't get their chance can re apply! click here to apply


  1. I love this! Everything about it looks amazing. The only thing that I can point out is the neck shading, just under the chin. It's a bit untidy but in a way that it kinda makes a little mess.

    Other than that I'm in love with this one!

    1. omg thank you babe! i see what you mean, i think it's just how her head is positioned that i felt had to give off that shadow, but i could have been neater with it.

  2. That's amazing! I specially LOVE the hair!

  3. omg, Natalia! This is absolute perfection.<3

  4. Anonymous27/7/13 22:49

    You need to teach me how to do fur.. I have yet to conquer that feat lol

    1. omg i found black fur quite easy to do, it's really just highlighting certain parts to create an effect, a lot like hair actually!

  5. completely absolutely awesome! u are my inspiration *.*

  6. OMG perfect!!! *_*
    Too bad I will never be as good as you are, Jack! V.V
