

hey queens!!

i've been extremely busy with the production of x lately and i thought i would share a little teaser to keep you gagging

and if that's not enough to get your louboutins fluttering , i can exclusively reveal that this issue is based around controversy and media power


because im broke i want to give back to the community, i will be taking graphics requests starting march 10th, but you can place your orders NOW!!
you can contact me in numerous ways including

via skype (best way): add me @ jack.pete.yeah for enquiries and orders

via sd: send me a friend request and we can message details for orders (username: queendetox)

any other possible way you can contact me: like fax or something or maybe even carrier pigeon

thats all for this post
see you soon!!

mwah xx


  1. Anonymous2/3/13 06:43

    You stole the idea of HAUTE's spring edition LOL jk jk

    From what I can see, it looks fab ;) I wouldn't be surprised if the CG was Khol haha

    1. haha well i think they're very different factors of controversy, the idea for mine is more media psychology and female empowerment, kind of referencing to the things people never expected to happen 70 years ago.

      thanks! well prepare to be surprised ;)

    2. Anonymous2/3/13 20:46

      Ah, ok :) And I was just joking haha

  2. Look awesome jack! You have improved so much! xo
