
Upcoming graphic II

While I am finishing the graphic I posted earlier, I have already started the new one!

This year Santa has gifted me a little bit of patience and time earlier! I have this mood for making graphics since last week and it's not passing me! I am still working and have many things planned like upcoming project and five more stunning references which will hopefully turn into five stunning graphics! This is the first one I decided to do and I am still trying to figure out if I should put wool texture on it or leave it plain. This is how it looks with texture on:
Which one is better? Help me decide!


  1. Second is my favorite by far it looks real like that

  2. Wool texture is a really hard challenge, but I think you did a amazing job on the second picture. Good luck! ˆ-ˆ

  3. the second one... In my opinion looks fantastic! :)


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