
Comfort zone + hand fail!

So I stepped a bit out of my comfort zone with this request - I've never really done a lot of stripes before, nor have I done any flowers, so the large floral decorations were a bit of a challenge, but I don't think they turned out too bad! Epic fail in the upper hand, it looks just dreadful, and I'm annoyed with myself for making it look so terrible! However here is the work, every fail I make can lead to improvement the next time =)
It was a request from kukipopoi =)

Love K xxx


  1. I think it's amazing. Also I wouldn't worry about the hand, much better than anything i could ever do!

  2. I really dislike the styling but I don't blame you for that as it was a request. I like the graphic in general but I think you need to make thicker layers of dark shading because the thin ones makes the body look like it has an outline. Also, the cheekbone shading is a bit weird.

  3. Fabulous legs! Gosh, they're gorgeous! I don't really like the headband, but the hand isn't really that bad:) Honestly, I dislike the styling(hair and too many flowers) a lot, but I know it isn't your fault! It's beautiful though. You did very well:D

  4. Your hand actually is anatomically correct yet could use more shading to define the wrinkles/lines that a hand actually has. Your stripes and folds in the flower are good, too. I really enjoy the shading, too. You didn't compensate too much with the shading like you may have before in the past. However, why not put the signature down the side of the leg in the white space instead of stamping it directly on your work?
