
The Artist

(As usual, click image to enlarge)

Inspired by both The Voice, and American Idol (american television programs ;)) I decided to open up my own graphics competition, "The Artist."

Using a rather old graphic I made (if you call a graphic made in December old...), I used it in the official banner for the competition. The model is something I just pretty much made on stardoll, so its no one special. I actually quite like it, although the hair might be a bit too bright for some eyes, I like it. And the flower doesn't have much depth to it, so I know...

Anyhow, if you'd be a dear, and follow the blog, that'd be amazing... just click HERE! Awesomeness ;)


  1. I love it:) It sounds cool:) I'd love to be apart of it somehow:D

  2. sounds quite exciting! let me know if there are judging positions open ;)
