
Haute Couture Graphic

Yeah, I couldn't think of a good title, but I think many writers here have their little problems with finding a good title for their post xD
Anyway, I haven't been working on my graphics lately because I'm playing "The Legend of Zelda -Skyward Sword" for Wii a lot these days.I just love love love this game. Okay, that was another uninteresting fact from my life.
So today I finished a graphic that I have started last week and I'm really happy how it turned out. I can't believe I've done the hair in only half an hour. Thanks to my tablet, I ♥ it! Have a look:

Model: Dreamiiiii
I'll be using this graphic for the spoiler for the Haute Couture collection of Spice Couture. I will add a hat with a water lily on it. The graphic is based on my sketch.

So what do you think about the graphic?
And how do you like my design?
xoxo Rafi


  1. Anonymous25/8/12 15:18

    I love it makes me think of British hats for some reason

  2. Wow, its so awesome! Gosh :D
    Love the sketch absolutely!!
